Heating Articles

Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water?

December 9, 2024
Furnace in Oregon|Furnace in Oregon

You just discovered there’s a puddle water on the floor in front of your furnace. What does this mean? Why would your furnace be leaking water? In most cases, it’s not a big repair, so don’t panic. It could be a few different things. However, you will need a certified professional to take a look…

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How Do I Know I Have a Cracked Heat Exchanger?

December 16, 2022
A man ponders in front of a laptop. How Do I Know I Have a Cracked Heat Exchanger?

Your helpful neighbor suggested the issue you are having with your gas furnace sounds like it could be due to a cracked heat exchanger.

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Heat Pump Versus Furnace

February 25, 2021
Person changing the temperature on a thermostat

Looking to install a new heater in your Portland home? Your two most popular choices are a heat pump and a furnace. Each one has advantages and disadvantages when compared to the other.

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Schedule Your Annual Furnace Inspection Now

October 16, 2020
Technician At Work

Prepping your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system for winter, can help keep your furnace’s repair budget in line.

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When Do I Know It’s Time to Buy a New Furnace?

October 4, 2019
Furnace duct carrying air. When do I need to purchase a new furnace?|Furnace duct carrying air. When do I need to purchase a new furnace?

It’s easy to moan when you decide that a major appliance or home system needs replacing. After all, these are expensive investments and probably not your favorite way to spend your hard-earned money. Unfortunately, there’s often not a clear-cut message, short of an appliance completely breaking down, that definitively indicates it’s time to buy a…

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Why Is My Heat Pump Turning On and Off Frequently?

December 17, 2018
Worried father looking at bills with family in background|Worried father looking at bills with family in background

Homeowners generally favor heat pumps for their efficiency. However, internal errors can cause them to run extremely inefficiently. When your unit turns on and off continuously, this can drive up your energy bill significantly and damage its parts, leading to both repairs and part replacements. This phenomenon is known as short cycling. When a heat…

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When Do I Need a New Furnace System

November 20, 2018

When to Replace My Furnace? There are few simple things to take into consideration when thinking about a new furnace. How Old Is Your Furnace? The average life expectancy of a furnace is 15 to 20 years. The closer your furnace gets to this age range, the more attention you should pay to the warning…

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What Kind of Thermostat is Best for My Family?

April 17, 2018
Different Types of Thermostats|Different Types of Thermostats

There are many different kinds of thermostats available to Oregon homeowners. The three most common varieties are non-programmable, programmable, and smart. No matter what kind you choose, a thermostat has one basic function. It controls your heating and cooling system to make your indoor air climate the temperature that you want it to be. You…

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How do I Know When I Need a New Furnace?

March 27, 2018
Family warm inside in Salem Oregon|Family warm inside in Salem Oregon

A new furnace is a big investment and can be a heavy cost for any homeowner. It can be hard to make the decision replace your current furnace, every furnace will need to be replaced at some point in a home’s life. How do you know when it is time to say good bye to…

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Furnace Fan Setting “On” or “Auto”?

February 28, 2018
Setting a Furnace to on or auto in salem Oregon|Setting a Furnace to on or auto in salem Oregon

On your thermostat, there’s a furnace-fan setting for either “On” or “Auto.” Which option is the best choice? There are devotees of both settings, each believing their setting is the optimum one to choose. But in reality, it’s more of a pros-and-cons type of situation. It really depends on which benefits are a priority for…

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Why is my Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

January 25, 2018
furnace blowing cold air|furnace blowing cold air

Check your Thermostat Make sure your thermostat is set on the correct setting. If it is set to “ON” the blower will run constantly even when the furnace isn’t heating any air. And the air that comes through the vents will seem cool because it is room temperature air. Turn your thermostat to “AUTO”, now…

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Should I Turn My Furnace on “On” or “Auto”

January 15, 2018
on or auto|on or auto

On your thermostat, there’s a furnace-fan setting for either “On” or “Auto.” Which option is the best choice? There are devotees of both settings, each believing their setting is the optimum one to choose. But in reality, it’s more of a pros-and-cons type of situation. It really depends on which benefits are a priority for…

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Dual Fuel Systems in Oregon

December 14, 2017
family warm inside|family warm inside

A dual fuel system sounds more Batman-like than it really is. It can solve a lot of issues for homeowners, but it’s really nothing more than a combined HVAC system comprised of a heat pump and a gas or oil furnace (or boiler). It’s got the best of both types of heating, allowing more homeowners––especially…

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How to Save Money on my Heating Bill this Winter

November 14, 2017
save money on heat|save money on heat

Is your energy bill too high in the winter time? Are you looking for ways to cut costs? There are a number of simple things that you can do at home to save you money. Some of them are big projects but most are simple things that you can do in your day to day…

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Heat Pump Vs. Furnace

October 24, 2017
happy family warm inside their oregon home|happy family warm inside their oregon home

Looking to install a new heater in your home? Your two most popular choices in Tigard Oregon, are a heat pump and a furnace. But which one to choose? Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages when compared to the other. Here are some things to consider to help you in your decision-making process.…

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